Thursday 27 October 2011

Assignment 1

Baby Dumping

What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?
            Baby dumping can define as the acts that leaving away the babies in anywhere without taking care about the babies, answer according from the Headquarters of Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM). Child is a priceless gift from Allah SWT, but now baby dumping is a social problem and has a large amount cases are occurring In Malaysian society.  A child younger than 12 months of age in public or private setting is leaving alone or discarding for a long period time will brings out baby dumping. There were 580 babies found dumped from year 2000 to 2006 (news get from Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistics). This scenario had been more serious from day to day.  Most of baby dumping happen causes include many social and cultural factors.

            To solve this problem, parents important to teach their children their religion from small and pay attention about their activities. Make sure they prevent from negative activity. On the other hand, government need to exterminate pornographic materials from the internet and other electronic multimedia. This is because most of the negative movie or video out spread from internet and television.

Why do you think occur? Explain your answer.
            Most of the baby dumping will happen causes by teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is underage girl becoming pregnant.  They will throw their baby because they may feel that they are not yet ready for his responsibility. In terms of ‘tradition’, young women scare rejection by their parents and the community if they are found to have a baby outside of marriage. This will increase the cases of baby dumping. Besides, they dump their baby because they not have ability to grow their children on their own.

            Besides that, teenagers nowadays lack of sex education also will lead to happen baby dumping. Parents today busy to work to earn money. So, they not have free time to inject the knowledge of sex into the mind of their children when children are small. They always think that children will know everything automatically when they become adult. Parents are not giving a clear view about sex and claim that children are too small to know about sex.

            Thus, school is also facing same problems. They don’t have sex education as a compulsory teaching subject in school. School is a place that children spend their time every day. Children will gain less information of sex because the teachers not give the education of sex to children and think that these jobs should teach by their parents. So, they are failed to give students a correct thinking of sex.

Baby Dumping impact on Society
            Baby dumping brings a lot of negative effect on society. Baby dumping will causes the percentage of abortion increase. Many cases of baby dumping are using the same way that removes a newborn baby into trash. There will baby dumping cases increases from day to day if no suitable ways are taken. Our society also not take care about the importance of a small life, small baby. They will think that baby dumping is a small problem on them. On the other hand, the baby who is dumped will face the problem that lost parents since born. So, the baby will face growth up problem because lost of family love.

Baby Dumping Impact on Nation
            As we know, children are the individual who developed our country in future. If baby dumping cases increases, it will bring big problem to our nation. Our nation will lost a lot of talent to develop our country. Besides that, baby dumping also will affect our country’s image and reputation in worldwide. When other country knows that cases of baby dumping increased from day to day, they will not invest on our country. They don’t want invest their money in a non conscience country. So, our nation economy will affect and many goods prices will increase and the currency our country in worldwide will become smaller.

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