Saturday 12 November 2011

PD Trip!!! (5th Nov & 6th Nov 2011)

Last weekend I had spend my time with my INTI friends at Port Dickson to do committee services and have the fun!!! I had go with Jason, Xiaolei, Gan Yung Seng, Andy, Vivian, Fiona, Vkaey, Wei Yan...And the friends which at 9B4, Bubu Maki, Kien Teck, and Billy Teo. We reach at Port Dickson around 9.00am and had our breakfast at Kedai Kopi Paklang. After that, we went to Jason'house and it will be our “hotel" for this trip.

Breakfast @ Kedai Kopi Paklang

We had reached PD beach around 2.00pm start to prepare for our committee services.

Picking Rubbish!!!

Xiaolei, what happen to you? drunk?

 Ice-Cream Time :D
Billy, you imagine that, you is a rubbish?

Playing beach soccer!!!
ABC (Air Batu Campur)

At the night, Jason's had prepare a barbeque for us. Many foods and drinks had prepare. Thanks to Jason's Family. Appreciate it...

Serious VS Non-Serious
Prepare to eat loh...haha

On the second day, after the brunch, our trip was till the end. Although felt it tired, but still excited. Thanks to Jason's Family which provide us a good and comfort accommodation place. If still got chance, I want come again!!!

1 comment:

  1. haha~~~nice nice~!!!!when want to come again???hahahahahahahhaha~
