Tuesday 29 November 2011

Test 2, Assignment and Final Exam.....

Test 2 for second semester is over!!! But, still got a lot of assignment need to pass up in a day, mgt, eco and enl assignment already burn my hair. I need to pass up these assignment within a week. Rush+ing!!! After that, I will start to do my revision for final exam which is coming soon. Hope that these suffering weeks will past successfully and I can enjoy my semester break for 2 weeks after final exam... MGT,ECO,ENL,MAT and MPW already make me stressful...Study HARD!!!

I think this will be last post for my blog ENL1214. I hope that these blogs will help in my coursework marks and give me get the grade A in this subject for this semester.

Monday 14 November 2011

Compare and Contrast (2movie have watched recently)

Thesis statement: Watch movie is importance in my life. I usually watch movie to manage my stress. Before that, I had watched different types of movie such as action, romantic, natural disaster and comedy. By watching movie, it will brings different feelings and conclusion among the movie that I watched. I had watched 2 movie recently, there are Nasi Lemak 2.0 which is comedy and Dont't Go Break My heart which is a romantic movie.

Body paragraph 1, contrast
Topic sentences: Both of the movie had different of character.
  • The main character of Nasi Lemak 2.0 is Namewee. This movie also used many local actor to conduct this movie such as Karen Kong, Adibah Noor, Afdlin Shauki, David Arumugan, Kenny and Chee, and Reshonu.
  • The movie Dont Go Breaking My Heart, directed by Johnie To and Wai Ka-Fai. The main character of this movie is Louis Koo, Daniel Wu, and Gao Yuanyuan. Many side character from Hong Kong such as Lam Suet, Larisa Bakurova, JJ Jia and Selena Li also participated on this movie.
Body paragraph 2, contrast
Topic sentences: Plot of the movie
  • Nasi Lemak 2.0 is concerned about a yong chef, Huang Da Xia opened a restaurant. The reason his restaurant rarely gets customers because he cannot adapt the localized taste for food. To help his friend, Xiao K's father to get back the ownership of the Xiao K's fater restaurant by using competition to see who can cook the best dishes. Chef Huang had seeks help from the lady who sells Nasi Lemak to learn some recipe do Nasi Lemak.
  • The plot Don't Go Break My Heart is concerned about an analyst, Chi Yan who just broke up with her boyfriend. Sean, a CEO of a broker firm like Chi Yan all the while and take action when knew that Chi Yan was broke up with his boyfriend. But, Chi Yan would not accept Sean because Sean could not endure woman seduction. Chi Yan was disappointed with him, and met Kevin, who is an engineer. Both guys are chasing after Chi Yan. Although Chi Yan loves both of them, but she choose Kevin in the end as he moved her great sincerity and love.
Body paragraph 3, compare
Topic sentences: Both of these movie used various type of language.
  • Nasi Lemak 2.0 had use Mandarin, English, Malay, Cantonese, Hakka and Tamil when filming. As an example, Huang Da Xia used Mandarin to communicate with Xiao K.
  • Don't Go Breaking My Heart, used Mandarin, Cantonese and English when filming. For example, Chi Yan chat with Sean by using Mandarin.
Conclusion: Watching different types of movie will give different values. Watching movie is important on manage our stress, but we still need watch movie when free. So, our works no been affected.

Obesity (Outline)

Thesis Statement: Obesity now is very common not only among adult, it also among our country children today. Obesity will happen because by people unhealthy lifestyle today.

Body paragraph 1,
Cause: People have their meal not at the right time. this is because most of them busy on work. While they are taking meal, they will take in a large amount of food in one meal.

Effect(a):Indigestion will happen. So, the foods that individual eat will pile in their stomach and cause constipation happen.

Effect(b):Stomach disorder also will happen. Because always endure hunger, their stomach will injured easily and will happen gastropods.

Body paragraph 2,
Cause: Lack of sporting. Most of people even adult or children are busy for their task. So, they will lack of time to sport. they willingly used their time to earn money or play computer games.

Effect: Overweight. This will happen because they no sporting and cause no swear.

Body paragraph 3,
Cause: teenagers nowadays especially students always like to eat junk food and drink soft drink.

Effect: Sick. High blood pressure and diabetes. The sugar level at soft drink such as COCA COLA have large amount of sugar and calories. The coloring at junk food also can make children cannot digest easily.

Conclusion: Nation must be learn to manage their food well to avoid obesity occur. Obesity is the main problem which can get heart attack and stroke. Seek the doctor to get some information about ways to avoid obesity.

Saturday 12 November 2011

PD Trip!!! (5th Nov & 6th Nov 2011)

Last weekend I had spend my time with my INTI friends at Port Dickson to do committee services and have the fun!!! I had go with Jason, Xiaolei, Gan Yung Seng, Andy, Vivian, Fiona, Vkaey, Wei Yan...And the friends which at 9B4, Bubu Maki, Kien Teck, and Billy Teo. We reach at Port Dickson around 9.00am and had our breakfast at Kedai Kopi Paklang. After that, we went to Jason'house and it will be our “hotel" for this trip.

Breakfast @ Kedai Kopi Paklang

We had reached PD beach around 2.00pm start to prepare for our committee services.

Picking Rubbish!!!

Xiaolei, what happen to you? drunk?

 Ice-Cream Time :D
Billy, you imagine that, you is a rubbish?

Playing beach soccer!!!
ABC (Air Batu Campur)

At the night, Jason's had prepare a barbeque for us. Many foods and drinks had prepare. Thanks to Jason's Family. Appreciate it...

Serious VS Non-Serious
Prepare to eat loh...haha

On the second day, after the brunch, our trip was till the end. Although felt it tired, but still excited. Thanks to Jason's Family which provide us a good and comfort accommodation place. If still got chance, I want come again!!!